Thursday, January 17, 2008

Over heating to slow down

6-8 months back the problem encircling the country was Overheating aka Inflation. Indian government found an ultimate solution for that problem. Government increased the CRR (Cash Reserve Ratio), it's the percentage of revenue that every bank has to keep with RBI. Due to low capital in the market interest rates shoot up.So consumers postponed their decisions to purchase and the demand of goods in the market fell down and hence prices came down. This whole drama went for 6 months . It was quite successful also inflation in terms of WPI ( wholesale price Index) went down from 6.6% to 3.5 % and in terms of CPI(Consumer price Index) it went from 7.5 % to 5.5%. But tables have turned now, the fear of overheating has been replaced by fears of slow down. If we see the sectors like transport equipment sector, which is an interest sensitive sector i.e as the interest rate increases demand decreases , demand has been shrinking drastically for 6 months.Why is so happening? Chief reason behind is the increased interest rates in India and recently decreased interest rates by US fed. Due to this discrepancy in interest rates India is attracting a huge capital inflow and further putting pressure on rupee to appreciate. However further appreciation is not politically acceptable. So the ultimate solution this time will be to cut the rates and reduce the pressure on rupee.But what it can again cause inflation? In the normal market the low interest rate can be inflationary but in India where RBI persistently trades in the foreign exchange market buying dollars , so lower interest will help reduce inflation as well as slow down.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nuclear Deal : Favourable | Against

The misconceptions created by PM Manmohan Singh and FM pranab Mukharjee that we can retain our sovereignty of nuclear tests, was the root of all chaos we have been watching for last two years.Inception of the nuclear deal begin in July 2005 when PM went to US to attend a summit to discuss research and technological issues with George W. Bush. After too much brainstorming sessions an agreement was passed in Indian parliament. The name of argument was 123 agreement which says that US will provide nuclear technology support and fuel to India. Nothing was mentioned about nuclear test and fuel enrichment. In DEC 2006 , the Hyde act was passed in US congress . Section 106 of the same says that if any US alliance do nuclear tests, the US has to immediately cut its fuel supplies. After facing retaliation by many groups in India, Congress party India did a funny campaign that Hyde act is for US to follow and for us it's only 123 agreement , in which no where mentioned that we can't continue our tests and also hyde act has many extraneous provisions which are not relevant in our case. But when experts did a research on it, they found out that India will loose its sovereignty to conduct nuclear test. As a result Left parties backed out in Aug 2007 and the deal has not been operationalized.

So far Experts says No But PM says Yes.

The deal is in its final stage where India has to make an assertive decision and nuclear deal is like a low hanging fruit which if UPA government won't pluck the coming government will pluck. The argument that the deal is fruitful can be substantiate by the Pokaran Nuclear test incident when the whole world except France was against it.To end the nuclear energy isolation Indian PM at that time Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee went to US because it was assumed that NSG( Nuclear Supplier Group) rules can't be changed without a major US initiative. Even now India hasn't come up with a sustainable image. So, to regain access to international nuclear energy markets, India needs the support of all major powers, so one thing is clear that deal was never about pro-US or anti-US. It was about changing the nuclear regime in favor of India. The world which sanctioned against India few years ago, they are now eager to promote India's nuclear deal Initiative.

It's a very tough decision which path to take , even I couldn't make mind which choice to support, what I can suggest is to carry on negotiations up to an optimum level and finalize the deal, which will bring the country upfront.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Myanmar : Indians

5 days back, we celebrated NRI day, but I think we have forgotten the 2.9 million Indians living in Myanmar. The recent denial of Myanmar government has lead them into miserable condition. There are about 2000 Indian citizens, 2.5 lakh from Indian origin and about 4 lakh are stateless. All of them were born there and belong to third or fourth generations , but they don't have any credentials to show or to prove their citizenship, all they have is foreigner registration certificate which they renew every year. They have no rights either in their land of origin or their land of adaptation . neither of the government seems concern. They have to face many hardships even education scene is also bad. The root of all this problem is migration of Indian community in between 1964 and 1988. Indian embassy at rangoon had also exhorted for a solution after the " Hands-off policy" by Indian government which made their life more worse . But now I think it's the responsibility of Indian government to relook into the matter and try to have a long term agreement with Burma.

Friday, January 11, 2008

What is acer?

There may be an question in your minds,that what is "Acer" mean, is it related to company or what?
No, it is not related to any company ,acer is trees or shrubs having winged fruit or we can say it's very fecund tree having very fast rate of producing fruits.
So as a symbol of growth, I opted my blog's name Acer.